Knowing “God’s Will” For My Life
EPISODE 319 |Mike Erre | 10/25/2021

Knowing “God’s Will” For My Life. Today we spend time talking about some oft used Christian rhetoric: What is God’s will for my life? God gave me a ‘word’ for you… God told me… I’ve been called by God to do such and such… We’ve all heard them. We’ve wrestled with them. We’ve probably even said these phrases (Mike and Tim are both guilty). But what do they mean, being so rooted in our Christian lexicon.

Where do these come from? Does God have a ‘will’ for us? Is it individual? Is it communal? How does Jesus speak about this? How does Paul? How are we to discern God’s voice form our own? Is that even the right question? 

This topic becomes very touchy as it is very rooted in our beliefs and decision making. How can we best build from here in a responsible and intentional way? What is it that God has actually called us to? And what role does wisdom play?

As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to hello@voxpodcast.com, and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

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Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

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