Understanding the Bible: Part Twelve – Interpretation
EPISODE 321 |Mike Erre | 11/08/2021

Understanding the Bible: Part Twelve. Interpretation. This is the end… for now. Today, we wrap up the series on understanding the Bible with a conversation about interpretation. So much of every aspect we’ve already covered ties into today’s conversation: Inerrancy. Genre. Context. Accommodation. How do we build the foundation necessary to begin a fresh pursuit of understanding? What role do we play own this divine conversation? Where do we begin with re-discipling?

As always, the complexity of the text is on display and it’s asking us to wrestle with it, to marinate in its mystery and wonder at God’s intentional back and forth with all of us. It’s beautiful in all of its chaos and intricacy.

You can find Richard Hays book HERE 

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Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

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