Unified – Part Four: Earning the Right to be Heard
EPISODE 335 |Mike Erre | 02/14/2022

Unified – Part Four: Earning the Right to be Heard. Today, Mike continues ‘church discipline’ via the Centered set (as first explored by Paul Hiebert, via Mark Baker). Jesus and Paul both make it clear that we must do more than simply avoid bounded practices, we must also confront and challenge them. Galatians, for example, is not a reaction to loose moral living but to bounded-church line drawing; Jesus repeatedly exposed and challenged bounded group religiosity. In challenging the bounded approach, we must attack the power of the paradigm rather than the people. We paint the picture of the possibility of being liberated from bounded ways. We seek to liberate people from a view of God that contributes to their bounded ways of judgment against others and themselves. If they see God as an accusing eye in the sky, then no amount of centered intervention will help. We must love extravagantly both through gracious embrace and concrete actions of accompaniment. We must embody centered values: relationship building, mutual learning and transformation.

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Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

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